Publications and research

1. Milbrath MO,, Adriaens P, Chang C-W, Emond C, Franzblau A, Garabrant D, Gillespie B.W., Wenger Y., and Jolliet O.,
Apparent half-lives of dioxins, furans, and PCBs as a function of age, body fat, smoking status, and breastfeeding,; Environmental Health Perspective (early publication in press) (2008)

2. Emond C. , Robin J-P., Breton R., Philippe S., Zayed J.; Dermal exposure to beryllium: Theoretical exposure framework and pilot case study (J. of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, 70: 529-33 ) (2007)

3. Lapointe C., Emond C., Vyskocil A., Interactions entre les médicaments et les solvants réglementés en milieu de travail –

Une revue critique de la littérature (Travail et Santé, Vol 23 (1), 2007)

4. Emond C., Birnbaum L. S., DeVito M. J,; Comparison between fix elimination and variable elimination rate by using Physiologically-based pharmacokinetics modeling in rat; .Environmental Health Perspectives, 114 (9): 1394-1400 (2006)

5. Emond C., Krishnan K., A physiological pharmacokinetic model based on tissue lipid content for simulating inhalation in human; Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 16: 395-403 (2006)

6. Emond C., Michalek J.E., Birnbaum L.S., DeVito M.J., Peak dioxin exposure may have been greater than previously estimated, Environmental Health Perspective, 113 (12): 1666-8 (2005)

7. Emond C, Charbonneau M., Krishnan K., Physiologically-based modeling of the accumulation in plasma and tissue lipids of a mixture of PCB congeners in female Sprague-Dawley rats, J. Toxicol Environ Health Part A, 68: 1-20 (2005)

1. El Mouatassim, Emond C., Nanoparticules manufacturées: Vers une métrologie plus adaptée à l’analyse et à la mesure de l’exposition in vitro et in vivo, 2ième Colloque franco-québécois sur l’Usinage à sec (March 2008)

2. Rodriguez R, Emond C, Les interactions dans l’infiniment petit Un nano-monde à connaître, 3e Colloque annuel: “La santé publique sans frontières, un monde de savoir et de pratiques”, Association des Étudiantes et Étudiants en Santé
Publique de l’Université de Montréal (February 2008)

3. Emond C., Pelekis M., Applicability of PBPK models in prospective dosimetry and hypothesis generation, University of Michigan, Mi, USA, (2007)

4. Emond C. Les nanoparticules: faut-il en avoir peur ?, Présenté dans le cadre des activités du Centre Patronal de Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec (2007)

5. Emond C., Pelekis M., Nanomaterials in a Healthy Working Environment, Workshop on innovating industrial processes
applied to new materials, Organized by SAPHIR Safe NanoManufacturing, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada (2007)

6. Emond C. El Majidi N., Vyskocil A., Études des effets neurocomportementaux attribuables à l’exposition à des pics de
concentration du styrène dans l’industrie de plastique renforcé de fibre de verre, Colloque Environnement Global de Composites, St-Jérôme, Québec, Canada (2007)

7. Raymer J.H., Studabaker W., Murtha A., Emond,C., Birnbaum L.S., Potential media for monitoring in utero exposure to 2,2’4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether, 17th Annual conference of the international Society of exposure analysis, RTP , NC, USA  (2007).

8. Bouchard M., Emond C., Carrier G. Évaluation du risque et impact sanitaire. 9ième Journée thématique Cancer, travail; et
environnement : quels sont les risques ? Comment les évaluer et intervenir, Journées annuelles de santé publique Québec,  Québec, Canada. (2005)

1. Milbrath MO, Chang C-W, Emond C, Franzblau A, Garabrant D, Gillespie B, Wenger Y, and Jolliet O, Half-lives of dioxin, furans
and PCBs as a function of body fat, breastfeeding, and smoking status, Dioxin 2007, 27th Internaional Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (September 2007),

2. Emond C. Stastkal D.F . Birnbaum L.S, Mechanistic description of dose-dependent urinary elimination of PBDE in adult mice
using a Physiological Based Pharmacokinetic model, Dioxin 2007, 27th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (September 2007),

3. Emond C., Staskall, D. Birnbaum L.S. Prediction of saturable urinary elimination of PBDE-47 using physiological based pharmacokinetic model in mice, IX International congress of toxicology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (July 2007)

4. Lapointe C., Vyskocil A., Emond C.; Interactions between regulated solvents and drugs in the workplace – Literature review International congress of toxicology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (July 2007)

5. Emond C, Raymer J, Garner E, Diliberto JJ, Staskal D, Birnbaum LS; A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for developmental exposure to PBDE-47 in rodents. 46th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology, Charlotte, North Carolina,
USA (March 2007).

6. Emond C, Lapointe C, Vyskocil A. Interactions between chemicals and drugs in the workplace. Is there a cause for concern? Eurotox 2006/6 CTDC Congress, 43rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Dubrovnik / Cavtat, Croatia
(September 2006)

7. Diliberto JJ., DeVito MJ., Emond C.; Ross DG., Richardson VM.; Birnbaum LS., Disposition of TCDD in a mouse model of obesity
and type II diabetes, 44th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology New Orleans , Louisiana, USA (2005).

8. Emond, C., Michalek Joel E., Birnbaum L.S., DeVito M.J., Use of a PBPK model with dose-dependent elimination rates predicts
higher peak dioxin exposures than previously estimated, 24rd International Symposium on Halogenated Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants, Berlin Germany, September 5-10, (2004)

9. Birnbaum L.S., Emond C., DeVito M.J., Application of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to aid in understanding the relative potencies (REPs) of dioxin-like chemicals. 43th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology Baltimore ,
Maryland, (March 2004)